Jericho to an extent, but Cards most definitely. Also almost anything to do with the skinwalker.Body Horror: The unknown mare mentioned in the Apocalyptic Log, apparently.Beware the Silly Ones: Jericho may be weird, very weird, but he quickly establishes why he's not a pony you want to mess around with.If anything, listing this trope here is an understatement worthy of monument. Good Samaritan: Lyra, as it turns out, is really this.Still surprised we managed to torture the cure out of her so easilyand all we had to do was manually remove her ovaries without the use of anesthetics. That was fun, though, trying to solve your own murder. Awesome Mc Coolname: Jericho Amadeus Faustįrom his inner monolog: Last time a girl offered you a drink, it was poisoned.Cherry Berry became a fan favorite soon thereafter. after she's crippled his leg and pinned him to the ground and thinks that his cries for her to stop are foreplay and undresses out of her armor whilst atop him. This entire line of thought gets expounded when Cherry Berry meets and attempts to sleep with Jericho. It's possibly because Jericho is a sociopath, though. Jericho never seems to possess any sort of a sex drive, and seems to hold in contempt mares who hit on or flirt with him. Artificial Limbs: Jericho gets a skinwalker's limb grafted in the place of his own lost one, which he hacked off and cauterized because it become so infected with blood poising that it died.Then again, when youre going up against an unending list of things like government conspiracies, that guardian angel who keeps telling you to kill people, psycho Equestrian girls with allophilia, a lunatic princess, the legions of the Inferno, the Equestrian culture itself, swashbuckling sword fights, and laissez-faire economists, you begin to realize why theres a big if in the middle of your l ife." Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Laissez-faire economists!įrom the summary: "Still, with enough wit, some Prussian ingenuity, a droll sense of humor, and wanton murder, I might just survive this.Make no mistake, he's a cowardly, elitist jerk, but he is at least trying to do the best for his peasants. And then oddly subverted by the Baron of Sleepy Oaks himself, who appears to just be another victim of the Government Conspiracy.Aristocrats Are Evil: When going to meet him, Jericho discusses the trope on his way to meet the Baron of Sleepy Oaks: So, a baron, eh? Ten Equestrian Bits says that hes evilall barons are.More recent and importantly, the whole "thy/my flesh consumed" thing from Act II, which itself is named Thy Flesh Consumed.Arc Words: Three words, That Government Boy.While it's not a normal example of an apocalyptic log, since the end hasn't technically happened in them, they do tell a story of things getting worse, but, at the times Jericho arrives, the dark events arent over yet. The most exact events of what's going on are told from a little girl's diary, and so it's not explicit at all what's going on.

Apocalyptic Log: Surprisingly given the setting, but also downplayed.